komża — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż IIc, lm D. komżaży || rzad. komż a. komżameż {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} w Kościele katolickim: biała szata wierzchnia, zwykle do kolan, noszona przez duchownych i służbę kościelną podczas pełnienia czynności liturgicznych… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
komža — kòmža sf. (1) NdŽ, Pšl, komža (1) žr. kamža: Apsivilko komža OZ26 … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
List of Mir spacewalks — A view of … Wikipedia
Внекорабельная деятельность космонавтов (таблица) — Основная статья: Выход в открытый космос Содержание 1 Введение 2 Выходы с 1 го по 50 й (1965 1984 годы) … Википедия
Surplice — A surplice (Late Latin superpelliceum , from super , over and pellis , fur ) is a liturgical vestment of the Western Christian Church. The surplice has the form of a tunic of white linen or cotton material, reaching to the knee or to the ankles,… … Wikipedia
WildC.A.T.s (TV series) — WildC.A.T.s is a half hour animated television series based upon the Jim Lee comic book of the same name. WildC.A.T.s is about the universal war between two prehistoric alien races. One of the races is the heroic C.A.T.s (Covert Action Team)… … Wikipedia
Spektr — For the experimental black metal/black ambient band, see Spektr (band). Spektr (Russian: Спектр ; English: Spectrum) (TKM O, 77KSO, 11F77O) was the fifth module of the Mir Space Station. The module was designed for remote observation of Earth s… … Wikipedia
Gopuz — The Gopuz is an ancient Azeri fretless musical instrument, believed to be the oldest in Azerbaijan. The name is believed to have been derived from the ancient Turkic words gop meaning height and uz meaning voice, or magic music sound. In… … Wikipedia
Wild C.A.T.s (TV series) — Wild C.A.T.s Cover to the DVD release of WildC.A.T.s Also known as Wild C.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams Genre Animation … Wikipedia
komeżka — ż III, CMs. komeżkażce; lm D. komeżkażek zdr. od komża Ministranci w komeżkach … Słownik języka polskiego