- klonik
- m III, D. -u, N. \klonikkiem; lm M. -i«mały klon»
Słownik języka polskiego . 2013.
Słownik języka polskiego . 2013.
Frank T — en concierto el 2006. Datos generales Nombre real Franklin Tshimini Nsombolay … Wikipedia Español
anticyclone — /æntiˈsaɪkloʊn / (say antee suyklohn) noun an extensive horizontal movement of the atmosphere spirally around and away from a gradually progressing central region of high barometric pressure, the spiral motion being clockwise in the Northern… …
clonus — /ˈkloʊnəs/ (say klohnuhs) noun a rapid succession of contraction and relaxation of a group of muscles usually signifying an affection of the brain or spinal cord. {New Latin, from Greek klonos commotion, turmoil} –clonic /ˈklɒnɪk/ (say klonik),… …
cyclone — /ˈsaɪkloʊn / (say suyklohn) noun 1. an atmospheric pressure system characterised by relatively low pressure at its centre, and by clockwise wind motion in the Southern Hemisphere, anticlockwise in the Northern. 2. a tropical hurricane, especially …
myoclonus — /maɪəˈkloʊnəs/ (say muyuh klohnuhs) noun clonic spasm of a muscle or group of muscles. {myo + clonus} –myoclonic /maɪəˈklɒnɪk/ (say muyuh klonik), adjective …