
m IV, D. -u, Ms. \rapaportrcie, blm
«rodzaj tkaniny z wełny czesankowej na ubrania męskie»

Słownik języka polskiego . 2013.

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  • Rapaport — ist der Name von Alexandra Rapaport (* 1971), schwedische Schauspielerin David A. Rapaport (1911–1960), Psychoanalytiker und Psychologe ungarischer Herkunft Ionel Rapaport (1909–1972), rumänischer Arzt Martin Rapaport, amerikanischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rapaport —  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Rapaport est un nom de famille notamment porté par : Anatol Rapaport (1911 2007), scientifique américain d origine russe Michael… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rapaport — To say that this surname has unusual origins is a very considerable understatement. Recorded, it is said, in at least the following spellings Rapaport, Rapport, Reppaport, Rappaport, and Rappoport, the only absolute certainty is that it was… …   Surnames reference

  • RAPAPORT, DAVID HA-KOHEN — (second half of 17th century), rabbi and Jerusalem emissary. Rapaport s family originated in Lublin. He emigrated to Ereẓ Israel and settled in Jerusalem, where he served as a dayyan in the bet din of moses galante . A responsum to a halakhic… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • RAPAPORT, NATHAN — (1911–1987), Israel sculptor, born in Warsaw. Rapaport studied in Warsaw, Italy, and France, went to Russia, and settled in Israel in 1948. Among his best known works are his majestic monument in Warsaw to the Heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto and his… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • RAPAPORT, DAVID — (1911–1960), U.S. clinical psychologist. Born in Hungary, he interrupted his studies in 1933 and for two years lived in a kibbutz in Palestine. He moved to the U.S. and from 1940 to 1948 was a leading figure at the Menninger Foundation, Topeka,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Rapaport Diamond Report — The Rapaport Report is the jewelry industry standard for the pricing of diamonds. The report is published weekly and given to jewelers and diamond merchants to set prices for consumers. The report is issued in the form of a table and prices… …   Wikipedia

  • Rapaport, Shelomoh Sanvil — vero nome di An Ski, Shelomoh …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Martin Rapaport — is an American entrepreneur and founder of the Rapaport Diamond Report. Rapaport is a maverick[1] within the diamond industry, and is often recognized for his signature bow tie. He is a member of the board of Jewelers for Children[2] and an early …   Wikipedia

  • Michael Rapaport — Not to be confused with Michael Rapoport. Michael Rappaport Born Michael Rappaport March 20, 1970 (1970 03 20) (age 41) New York City, New York Michael David Rapaport (born March 20, 1970) is an American, actor, director and a comedian. He… …   Wikipedia

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