- symptomat
- m IV, D. -u, Ms. \symptomatacie; lm M. -yprzestarz. → symptom‹z gr.›
Słownik języka polskiego . 2013.
Słownik języka polskiego . 2013.
Symptomat — is a medical diagnostics program that finds links between patient s complaints and diagnoses. The Diagnostic Robot is designed to ask several thousands questions. The artificial logic behind the machine compares your answers with known medical… … Wikipedia
symptomat — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. symptomatacie, {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}}to samo co symptom. <gr.> {{/stl 7}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
symptomatical — symptomatˈic or (rare) symptomatˈical adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑symptom … Useful english dictionary
symptom — noun Etymology: Late Latin symptomat , symptoma, from Greek symptōmat , symptōma happening, attribute, symptom, from sympiptein to happen, from syn + piptein to fall more at feather Date: 1541 1. a. subjective evidence of disease or physical… … New Collegiate Dictionary
симптоматология — ( имптом (ос нова symptomat ) + греч. logos учени ) см. Семиотика … Большой медицинский словарь
Diagnostic robot — In medicine and robotics, diagnostic robots are diagnosis tools in the form of a physical robot or a software expert system. Developed in the 1970s near the height of the AI boom, automatic diagnosis systems are capable of gathering data for… … Wikipedia
Симптоматоло́гия — [Симптом (основа symptomat ) + греч. logos учение] см. Семиотика … Медицинская энциклопедия
Friesel — (miliaria), eine Hautkrankheit, bestehend in dem Ausbruche zahlreicher kleiner Bläschen, entweder bloß an einzelnen Stellen der Haut od. über die ganze Haut verbreitet, entsteht durch übermäßige Absonderung des Schweißes in den Schweißdrüsen. Die … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
symptomatic — symptomatically, adv. /simp teuh mat ik/, adj. 1. pertaining to a symptom or symptoms. 2. of the nature of or constituting a symptom; indicative (often fol by of): a condition symptomatic of cholera; a disagreement that was symptomatic of the… … Universalium
symptomatology — /simp teuh meuh tol euh jee/, n. 1. the branch of medical science dealing with symptoms. 2. the collective symptoms of a patient or disease. Cf. syndrome. [1790 1800; < NL symptomatologia, equiv. to LL symptomat (s. of symptoma) SYMPTOM + o O +… … Universalium