- choriamb
- m IV, D. -u, Ms. \choriambbie; lm M. -ylit. «stopa wierszowa złożona z choreja i jambu, mająca pierwszą i ostatnią sylabę długą, dwie środkowe - krótkie»‹gr.›
Słownik języka polskiego . 2013.
Słownik języka polskiego . 2013.
Choriamb — Cho ri*amb, n.; pl. {Choriambs}. Same as {Choriambus}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
choriamb — CHORIÁMB s.m. v. coriamb. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
choriamb — [kôr΄ēam′bəs] n. pl. choriambuses [kôr′ē amb΄, kôr′ēam΄] n. [L choriambus < Gr choriambos < choreios, trochee, lit., pertaining to a chorus + iambos, IAMB] a metrical foot consisting, in Greek and Latin verse, of two short syllables between … English World dictionary
Choriamb — In Greek and Latin poetry, a choriamb is a metron (prosodic foot) consisting of four syllables in the pattern long short short long ( ‿ ‿ ), that is, a trochee alternating with an iamb. Choriambs are one of the two basic metra[1] that do not… … Wikipedia
choriamb — choriambic, adj. /kawr ee amb , am , kohr /, n. Pros. a foot of four syllables, two short between two long or two unstressed between two stressed. [1835 45; short for CHORIAMBUS] * * * … Universalium
choriamb — n. poetic foot of verse used in lyric poetry having two unstressed syllables flanked by the two rhythmic stresses marking the first and last syllables of the foot … English contemporary dictionary
choriamb — cho·ri·amb … English syllables
choriamb — /ˈkɒriˌæmb/ (say koree.amb) noun Prosody a foot of four syllables, two short between two long …
choriamb — n. metrical foot comprising a trochee and an iambus. ♦ choriambic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
choriamb — ˈkōrēˌam(b) noun (plural choriambs mz) Etymology: Late Latin choriambus, from Greek choriambos, from choreios choreus + iambos iambus : choriambus … Useful english dictionary