kapron — KAPRÓN s.n. v. capron. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
IBN KAPRON, ISAAC — (10th century), poet and grammarian. In Latin and Spanish, the meaning of Isaac s name ( Cabron, Capron ) is related to goat ; he was called by this name, and others like it, in ridicule by his opponents. The Ibn Kapron family was an old and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
capron — CAPRÓN s.n. Fibră textilă sintetică, cu rezistenţă şi elasticitate foarte mare, obţinută prin policondensarea caprolactamei. – Din rus. kapron. Trimis de valeriu, 11.02.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 caprón s. n. (sil. pron) Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004.… … Dicționar Român
kaprun — <xar.> Süni lif növü. Kapron istehsalı. // Kaprondan hazırlanmış. Kapron corab. Kapron tor. Kapron ip … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
Sokol space suit — The Sokol space suit (Russian: Cокол, Falcon ) is a type of Russian space suit, worn by anyone who flies on the Soyuz spacecraft. It was introduced in 1973 and is still used as of 2008. The Sokol is described by its makers as a rescue suit… … Wikipedia
Malvern High School (Ohio) — Malvern High School Address 401 West Main Street Malvern, Ohio, (Carroll County), 4 … Wikipedia
Sokol (Raumanzug) — Sokol Raumanzug liegend im Schalensitz Der Sokol Raumanzug (russisch Сокол für Falke) ist ein russischer Raumanzug, der von allen Kosmonauten an Bord der Sojus Raumschiffe bei Start, Landung und Koppelmanövern getragen wird. Dieser Typus kam … Deutsch Wikipedia
Photonic-crystal fiber — (PCF) is a new class of optical fiber based on the properties of photonic crystals. Because of its ability to confine light in hollow cores or with confinement characteristics not possible in conventional optical fiber, PCF is now finding… … Wikipedia
2008 Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team — NCAATeamFootballSeason Year=2008 Team=Notre Dame Fighting Irish ImageSize=150 px Conference=NCAA Division I A Independent Schools|Independent Division= ShortConference=Independent CoachRank= APRank= Record=4 2 ConfRecord= HeadCoach=Charlie Weis… … Wikipedia
Dederon — Polyamid Dichte 1,14 g/cm3 Elektrische Leitfähigkeit (σ) 10–12 (Ohm·m) 1 Wärmeleitfähigkeit 0,25 W/(m·K) Zug E Modul 2300 N/mm2 … Deutsch Wikipedia