Papuc — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Aurel Constantin Papuc (* 1951), rumänischer Politiker Gheorghe Papuc (* 1954), moldawischer General und Politiker Ioana Papuc (* 1984), rumänische Ruderin Ion Papuc (1942–2010), rumänischer Fußballspieler … Deutsch Wikipedia
papuć — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż III a. mż III D. papućucia; lm D. papućuci, zwykle w lm {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} mięciutki, wygodny, płaski pantofel noszony w domu : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Papucie haftowane, filcowe. Prawy, lewy papuć. <tur.> {{/stl… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
păpuc — PĂPÚC s.m. v. papuc1. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 … Dicționar Român
papuc — PAPÚC1, papuci, s.m. 1. Încălţăminte uşoară (fără călcâi), care se poartă în casă; p. gener. pantof uşor de vară. ♢ expr. (fam.) A o lua (sau a o şterge) la papuc = a fugi. (fam.) A fi (sau a pune, a ţine etc.) sub papuc = a fi (sau a pune, a… … Dicționar Român
papuç — ayakkabı … Beypazari ağzindan sözcükler
Gheorghe Papuc — (born 1954) is the minister of the interior of Moldova, a position he got in 2002. He has graduated from a Russian law school. Papuc was active in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. External links* [ eng/papuc … Wikipedia
Ioana Papuc — Ioana Cristina Papuc (4 January 1984) is a Romanian rower. She competed at the 2008 Summer Olympics, where she won a bronze medal in women s eight. At the 2004 Summer Olympics she won a gold medal at the same discipline … Wikipedia
pàpuča — pàpuč|a ž 〈G mn pȁpūčā〉 1. {{001f}}laka obuća koja se nosi po kući [meke ∼e; ženske ∼e] 2. {{001f}}ispust, daska na koju se staje kad se ulazi u vozilo (vagon, tramvaj, automobil, kočiju i sl.); papučica 3. {{001f}}(+ potenc.) metalna ploča koja … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
ŞÜRSE — Papuç. Nâlin. Ayakkabı … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
Tudor Vianu — (January 8 1898 – May 21 1964) was a Romanian literary critic, art critic, poet, philosopher, academic, and translator. Known for his left wing and anti fascist convictions, he had a major role on the reception and development of Modernism in… … Wikipedia